"The Rhyno" and his herd

I'm Chris, Rhyno to some, N9PPX to hams, and father of three. My wife Nancy (N9VFF) & I raise our kids in "A Great Place By A Great Lake" (Milwaukee, WI) When I'm not behind the keyboard, I jump on my Harley and go for a ride.


I'm Nancy, Lilkid to some, N9VFF to hams, and Rhyno's Playtoy.  When I'm not at work, I'm in my garden at home.

I'm Peter - DragonFan on my own, living life.
I'm Richard - Working hard and doing things my way.
I'm Danielle - I love to read, play my violin and ride on Dad's Harley.  
Looking forward to my 3rd year of College!

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This page was last updated on 11/2011